Goals Of SoftBrick Apparel

What I Hope To Accomplish With SoftBrick:

1. Encourage people to be more open with their Mental Health & Life Struggles.

2. Encourage people to reach out to the right resources if they need REAL help.

3. Work towards ending the stigma surrounding talking about your Mental Health and how your REALLY doing.

4. Give people a Safe, Fun, Humorous way to express their emotions through fashion.

5. To help educate people on various Mental Health Conditions.

6. Give people a community of likeminded peers.

7. Collaborate with various Mental Health Organizations & Advocates (that could be YOU). 

8. Create a GLOBALLY known brand for helping people.

9.  Donate a portion (15%) of sales to charities (7.5% to Kids Help Phone, 7.5% to Centre for Addiction & Mental Health).

10. Eventually Start "The SoftBrick Mental Health Charity".